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Linn County Housing Needs Assessment

ECICOG recently completed a Housing Needs Assessment for the 14 cities within Linn County outside of the metro area. The data revealed that despite relatively low housing costs, affordability is still an issue for many households in the assessment area, driven by various factors unique to each community. The assessment includes a windshield study in each city which revealed a critical need for targeted housing rehabilitation programs to preserve affordable housing and encourage new housing developments.  


ECICOG also completed a Housing Equity Analysis for Linn County focusing on communities in the metro area, including Cedar Rapids, Hiawatha, and Marion.  Concentrating on equity as a housing outcome, the report identifies targeted support programs and opportunities for the Alliance for Housing Equity, a multi-jurisdictional collaboration led by Linn County, to strengthen community resiliency and transition from pandemic-related short-term housing assistance programs to the development of long-term solutions.


For more information on the Assessment please contact ECICOG Housing Specialist Deanna Robinson.


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