ECICOG’s skilled staff are always looking for new and innovative ways to use our core services to help local communities and advance the region.

Project Funding & Management
Our technical skills can help design projects and keep them on track.
From housing trust funds to watershed districts, ECICOG staff can provide project management and administrative services for a wide variety of needs. As a non-profit partner, our communities can rest assured that we have their best interests at heart!

Grant Writing & Administration
From funding projects to assisting with applications, learn how we can help get your projects done!
ECICOG has extensive experience writing and administering grants of many kinds. Communities can benefit from a wide variety of federal and state funding sources including CDBG, USDA and EDA grant programs, as well state grants from the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA), Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Department of Transportation (IDOT). Our staff can help you connect your projects to a funding source and relieve you of the burden of administering complex grant reporting requirements.

Planning & Technical Assistance
From comprehensive plans to watershed management, we can help you build a resilient region.
ECICOG's staff has years of experience in community development and planning, transportation, housing, solid waste and watershed planning, and many other areas. We're happy to share our skills with you as you work toward improving your community.

By fostering collaboration and making connections, we help facilitate development.
At ECICOG, we strongly believe the involvement of elected officials, civic partners, businesses, nonprofits and residents in planning and decision-making processes leads to better outcomes. Our planning processes always include a plan for citizen engagement and outreach. We also convene groups like the annual City Clerks Workshop and the Legislative Forum to share knowledge throughout the region.