We plan for efficient and effective transportation, working to connect our region by car, rail, bus, bike, or foot. We provide transportation planning assistance to local communities and manage regional transit programs to improve mobility for those unable to drive. ECICOG serves as the Region 10 Regional Planning Affiliation (RPA), covering Benton, Cedar, Iowa, Jones, Johnson, Linn, and Washington counties.
Technical Assistance
On behalf of the RPA, ECICOG serves as staff to the various RPA committees and is responsible for preparing a variety of regional plans and programs, including the Transportation Planning Work Program, Transportation Improvement Program, Public Involvement Plan, Passenger Transportation Plan, Long Range Transportation Plan, Title VI Plan. As the RPA staff, ECICOG also administers federal surface transportation funds available to the member governments, including:​
ECICOG manages funding and contracts with third-parties to provide CorridorRides, our regional transportation service. CorridorRides includes Rural Dail-A-Ride, 380Express (a commuter service between Cedar Rapids and Iowa City), and VanPool and carpool programs.
Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 and other nondiscrimination authorities, it is the policy of the East Central Iowa Council of Governments (ECICOG) that discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability or income status shall not occur in connection with any of its programs or activities.
Grant Writing & Administration
Transit Funding – As the designated regional transit system, ECICOG applies for and administers federal and state, transit capital and operating funds.
Transportation – ECICOG can assist local governments with the development of state and federal transportation grant applications.
Region 10 Regional Planning Affiliation (RPA)
ECICOG also serves as the Regional Planning Affiliation serving Benton, Cedar, Jones, Linn, Iowa, and Washington Counties outside of the Corridor MPO and the MPO of Johnson County.